
Frequently Asked Questions

Why farm fish?

Fish farming is the process of raising fish in an enclosed area for commercial purposes. A fish farm can be built on land or over naturally occurring water bodies. Fish is pretty much the only animal protein that is still hunted. As a result, wild fishery has had to endure the brunt of the demand pressure. Hence, fish farming is an alternative and potentially, the future of protein.

What are other names for Barramundi?

Asian Sea Bass, Modha, Bekti, Hira Suzuki are amongst the many. Lates Clacarifer is the scientific name.

What are the best practices that Oceanpick has taken for the protecting the environment?

As Oceanpick pioneers South Asia’s open ocean aquaculture industry, it is a role we have taken very seriously. The industry that follows, would need a benchmark to be set and follow and that responsibility has fallen on us.

Primarily farming a species native to Sri Lanka eliminates environmental concerns into escapement of non-native species. This has been an ongoing issue including Barramundi farms in locations where the barramundi was not native to.

Oceanpick ensures sufficient flow rates and depth beneath its net pens to disperse organic matter, thus minimizing its impact on the environment. Use of the highest quality diet is efficiently assimilated by the fish to reduce any fecal matter.

Routine benthic assessments are part of Oceanpick’s protocols. Careful analysis of the sea bed by comparing it to sites where no fish farming is present allows for environmental comparisons to be made.

Sites can be fallowed (cease farming in that area) to allow substrate to regenerate back to its previous state if necessary.

Why did Oceanpick select Barramundi?

Simple. Because barramundi is that good!

What is open ocean aquaculture?

Open ocean aquaculture, or OOA, refers to offshore fish farming from up to 200 miles off the coast. This practice uses circular fish pens in which fish can be successfully and plentifully reared. The innovative circular net pens allowed the industry to operate further off-shore, tackling all weather conditions in order to provide the fish with good tidal flows and a more favorable natural environment.

The natural oceanic conditions provide an amazing taste profile that remains unmatched in most other forms, particularly land based farms.

Where is Barramundi native to?

All the way from Nothern Australia through the Far East right down to South Asia, where Sri Lanka is nestled.

What do farmed fish eat/how do we feed them?

After decades of industry research into formulating fish feeds, this sector has developed a pelleted diet that is highly stable in the aquatic environment, yet remains nutritionally complete. Diets fed are consistent in quality and nutritional value, adhering to all the nutritional demands of the fish known to modern science.

Whilst we specialize in world class animal husbandry, we secure our feed from global leaders who are committed to highest global standards and operate in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Responsible Consumption and Production, Life Below Water and Life on Land.

What are the recognized needs of fish farming in Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka is blessed with the abundant waters of the glorious Indian Ocean. The island is surrounded by a dramatic and varying coastline, providing the ideal settings for ocean fish farming, but Sri Lanka’s fishing industry is in dire need of a drastic change from its current operations. Over 90% of fish in the country comes from wild capture, threatening wild stocks into grave risk of depletion. The island’s attempts at aquaculture have been primarily concentrated in brackish water lagoons, fresh water bodies or inland based ponds. Oceanpick recognizes the value and the unparalleled superiority of ocean-grown fish that is sourced from sustainable methods. Our venture into ocean fish farming brings the much needed transformation in Sri Lanka’s fishery industry.

How will fish farming affect to the traditional fishing methods of Sri Lanka?

For Oceanpick, this is at the heart of the game plan. Sri Lanka is over 98% reliant on wild capture whereas the world is now on a 50% split between wild capture and farmed. Our urgency to reduce this undue pressure on the wild fishery is with the view to extend the longevity of capture-fishery, the coastal fisher families have practiced for centuries.

What harmful substances are used or found in Oceanpick Barramundi?

First up, our farming practices are all natural. We feed our fish specially formulated diets made up of fish meal and fish oil as barramundi are carnivorous and require a fishmeal based diet to perform at its best.

Second, our fish spend over a year in the cages. So, no speedy process other than what their biological make up would allow.
Third, country and certification protocols require us to regularly test our fish at third party laboratories. These routine test results are an affirmation that Oceanpick barramundi are free of mercury or any other undesirable toxins.

Mercury in particular is an issue in wild caught predatory fish and has to be off the diet for many consumers. Oceanpick Barramundi is super alternative.

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produce to the market