
Alain Michel Hatchery

Lates calcarifer, known as Asian Seabass in Asia and Barramundi in Australia, is a large, euryhaline member of the family Centropomidae that is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific region from the Arabian Gulf to China, Taiwan Province of China, Papua New Guinea and northern Australia. Aquaculture of this species commenced in the 1970s in Thailand, and rapidly spread throughout much of Southeast Asia.

Historical Background


Oceanpick, the pioneer oceanic farmer of South Asia, established its Barramundi hatchery in 2018 in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. As South Asia’s first commercial scale oceanic farmer, Oceanpick understood the requirement of high quality, strong, fast growing fingerlings for farmers. As open sea-cage operators, exposed to extreme monsoon weather conditions, the fingerlings we produce have to withstand tough conditions.

Hence the value of our hatchery system which combines both flow through and a unique reuse systems ensuring sufficient exposure to open conditions right from the word go. This is in stark contrast to hatcheries operating a full RAS or fresh water systems in very sterile conditions, sometimes in land locked areas – unsuited to the conditions the fingerlings will encounter later as juveniles and as adults in more open grow out systems.

Oceanpick Hatchery

Location & Facilities

Oceanpick hatchery is located in the untouched waters of Trincomalee, on the eastern seaboard of Sri Lanka. The beach property draws oceanic water for its operations. Again, it is positioned with a geographical advantage, nestled amongst a major aquaculture hub alongside South Asia.

Location & Facilities

Oceanpick hatchery is located in the untouched waters of Trincomalee, on the eastern seaboard of Sri Lanka. The beach property draws oceanic water for its operations. Again, it is positioned with a geographical advantage, nestled amongst a major aquaculture hub alongside South Asia.

Oceanpick Hatchery
oceanpick Flingerlings EGGS


Oceanpick Flingerlings Larvae


Flingerlings FRY



Product, Services and Certification

  • Barramundi (lates calcarifer) fry from 10mm to 100mm
  • Disease free certification from Sri Lankan Government veterinarians
  • Best Aquaculture Practice (BAP) certified facility.
  • Shipping worldwide with export, packaging and Customs & Quarantine clearance documentation.
  • Management & staff highly qualified and experienced in all aspects of fry production.

Partner with us to bring the sustainable ocean
produce to the market